All That is Necessary For the Triumph of Evil is That Good Men Should Do Nothing


This quote has some controversy regarding who first said it.

What should not be of any controversy is the fact of its truth. Today as I contemplated this fact I thought it is similar to a physical law known as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamic.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time.

Entropy is

The idea of entropy comes from a principle of thermodynamics dealing with energy. It usually refers to the idea that everything in the universe eventually moves from order to disorder, and entropy is the measurement of that change.

In simple terms it means that matter and energy is prone to decay and breakdown. Unless we maintain/ repair and otherwise protect the things we value, they are going to turn to dust. We are included in this principle.

Enough of the physics lessons. What does it mean in a spiritual or social environment/ setting? It means, I intend to show, that just as in the physical realm, in the spiritual and social realm men/societies will decay or breakdown from known ideals and mores if left to their own devices. Especially so if ideas and customs which are detrimental to good social decorum/ rule of accepted behavior are allowed to come in and take root.

In my own life time (born in 1953) this break down and degradation of previously held mores and customs (which used to be Biblically based) have not only taken root, but they have come to be accepted and now define our land in so many spheres of influence. In our Government, our schools, our entertainment. These liberal ideas are now socially accepted to the point that now our laws reflect blasphemous acceptance of mores that once not long ago was unthinkable!

However there remained a remnant. God always protects and sees to it that a remnant remain. That remnant continued to pray and hope that the godlessness which had descended over our beloved America would be stayed. Too many innocent lives were being lost, too many bad and evil precedents were being allowed by our courts.

During the last presidential campaign here many like myself wondered if we could survive another of the sort that had been in charge of setting America’s agenda. We know that it did not look good. For during the last two elections we who held onto the ideals which once made America great, we had been defeated. Surely, God would not let us down again, would He?

Some said that God would judge America for all of the ills and sins which now so seem to define us. But these who said this were not hearing or seeing that this time it would be different! God had been listening and this time the prayers of the remnant would be heard.

Good men may engage in reversing the evil and immorality in many ways. Through prayer and civic duty, perhaps. Through volunteer work. Through helping in what ever manner God may lead you.

God has led me to engage by providing evidence that He also moves, where allowed, in the political realm. The Lord has freed me to engage in this way because I am so passionate about continuing the legacy of that American ideal which says that God has given to us certain unalienable rights. Among these are of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I’m most happy to see a return of my land to those principles which I seen everywhere when I was much younger than I am today.